20 Nov-24 Dec 2017 Saint-Pierre-Lès-Nemours (France)


There are four places left on the course. So far, participants have registered from the UK, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Portugal.
At the moment (19/10/2017) there are eight places left on this course.
A number of participants in this course are supported by the French GDR research network on phenotypic plasticity PlasPhen [lbbe-dmz.univ-lyon1.fr/spip_plasphen/]
The PAYBOX online payment system has been installed and activated. You can pay your fee with French bank cards, VISA and Mastercard. To do this, please go into your "My Space" on this site, the "My Registration" module where you will find the button to pay online.
We've discovered that the fee of our course was above the average in France. By adjusting the plans for catering, we manage to reduce the fee to 250 euro. This means that we make our coffee ourselves at coffee breaks, and that our evening dinners are more self-organized.
Please find at this link a pdf course description, that you can share with your administration: https://glm2017vpa.sciencesconf.org/data/Course_description_GLMVPA_25_Sept_2017.pdf
A first draft of the program has been added. Please note that lectures are interspersed with exercise time. All lecturers are available during exercises.
Registration for the meeting will be up and running in a few days.
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